How to Say Hello in French: A Guide for Beginners


  • Explain the importance of greetings in French culture and language
  • Mention the different ways to say hello in French depending on the context and the level of formality
  • Provide a brief overview of the main greetings and their meanings

Bonjour: The Most Common Way to Say Hello in French

  • Explain that bonjour means good day and is appropriate for any time of the day
  • Give examples of how to use bonjour with different titles and names, such as Madame, Monsieur, Mademoiselle, or Camille
  • Mention that bonjour is also used to say goodbye, along with bonne journée (have a nice day)

Bonsoir: How to Say Hello in French in the Evening

  • Explain that bonsoir means good evening and is used after the sun sets
  • Give examples of how to use bonsoir with different titles and names, such as Madame, Monsieur, Mademoiselle, or Camille
  • Mention that bonsoir is also used to say goodbye, along with bonne soirée (have a good evening)

Salut: How to Say Hi in French

  • Explain that salut means hi and is used in informal and casual situations
  • Give examples of how to use salut with friends, family, or peers
  • Mention that salut is also used to say bye, along with à bientôt (see you soon) or à plus (later)

Coucou: A Cute Way to Say Hello in French

  • Explain that coucou is a playful and affectionate way to say hello in French
  • Give examples of how to use coucou with close friends, family, or romantic partners
  • Mention that coucou is also used to say bye, along with bisous (kisses) or câlins (hugs)

Allô: How to Say Hello in French on the Phone

  • Explain that allô is the only way to say hello in French when answering the phone
  • Give examples of how to use allô when calling or receiving a phone call
  • Mention that allô is not used to say goodbye, but rather au revoir (goodbye) or à bientôt (see you soon)

Rebonjour: How to Say Hello Again in French

  • Explain that rebonjour is a polite way to say hello again in French when you meet someone for the second time in the same day
  • Give examples of how to use rebonjour with different titles and names, such as Madame, Monsieur, Mademoiselle, or Camille
  • Mention that rebonjour is not used to say goodbye, but rather au revoir (goodbye) or à bientôt (see you soon)


  • Summarize the main points of the article and the different ways to say hello in French
  • Emphasize the importance of choosing the appropriate greeting for the situation and the person
  • Encourage the reader to practice the greetings and learn more about the French language and culture

Some other common French phrases are:

  • S’il vous plaît / S’il te plaît – Please (formal/informal)
  • Merci / Merci beaucoup – Thank you / Thank you very much
  • De rien / Je vous en prie / Je t’en prie – You’re welcome (informal/formal/formal)
  • Excusez-moi / Excuse-moi – Excuse me (formal/informal)
  • Pardon – Sorry
  • Quoi de neuf ? – What’s new?
  • Ça va comme ci, comme ça. – It’s going so-so.
  • Quelle heure est-il ? – What time is it?
  • Où sont les toilettes ? – Where are the toilets?
  • Parlez-vous anglais ? / Tu parles anglais ? – Do you speak English? (formal/informal)

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